Januar 23, 2011

recensio.net - platform for historical reviews

"recensio.net will create a Europe-wide, multi-language platform for reviews of historical literature. (...) Editorial offices of journals or institutes who have only published in print so far will be able to prominently publish their review sections online – be it exclusively online or in a »hybrid« form as either a pre- or post-print. In doing so, it is irrelevant whether the reviews are already accessible online. recensio.net makes no claim to the exclusivity of its contents but wants to offer editorial staff a maximum degree of visibility and users a central starting point in their search for reviews of scholarly literature by bringing together scattered and often scarcely visible reviews."


"Sociologically.net is a global community for anyone with a sociological imagination and a will to use it in interesting sociology discussions. If you recognize yourself in this category, we would be really happy to have you on board along with the rest of us."

Januar 12, 2011

Dissertationen online / German doctoral thesises online

Suche/Search in dissonline:
Es ist alternativ eine Suche in den Volltexten oder in den Metadaten (= das Dokument beschreibende Daten, wie z.B. Autorenname, Titel) möglich.
"Bei der Volltextsuche werden alle an der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek und an der Schweizerischen Nationalbibliothek nachgewiesenen Online-Dissertationen und Online-Habilitationen im Volltext durchsucht."
Indexed by dissonline are German and switch doctoral thesises. Full text or meta data search are alternative options.